Monday, September 02, 2019

put down emotional baggage before serious work.
really needed that.

maybe i fall in love too easily.
or maybe im just trying to find comfort in my life.
very simple things can make me content.
i dont ask for anything much.
if the feeling is right, i will know.
when my heart feels the ache, i will know.
honesty, communication, that's all i ask for.
i dont open my heart to people easily.
either when im comfortable or when i trust someone
will i gradually share my true self.

am i too unpredictable?
too afraid to admit my feelings?
like i always said, when you stay single for too long,
anything can make your heart flutter.
there is like a hump in me.
takes quite a great deal to make me admit my feelings.
but once past the hump, theres no stopping.
the feeling will just stay there.

people are concerned at times, trying to wake me up.
why would i feel this way towards someone,
when not everyone sees the same things?
i guess, it's what i believe in that matters.

So, do you trust me?

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